Listening devices which are used along with a hearing aid. The site is not commercial and totally independant. Different devices are compared to allow you to decide which is best for you. Listening devices for the deaf

Tuesday 15 October 2013

An independent assessment of FM and other listening devices to help beyond the hearing aid

The new website -  is now live.
Listening devices are life enhancing to those who need them.   Take a look at this independent review which reviews them from the users point of view.  The manufacturers tend to exaggerate and boast about individual devices.
There is quite a lot of new information on it - in particular help to understand the audiogram.  Some practical insight may be obtained as to the help a listener would achieve.
I would never be without mine because they allow me to keep in touch with the outside world.  There is nothing more important than that!

Tuesday 28 May 2013

June - the launch of the website

The website listening devices for the deaf will go live on the web in June.  The final adjustments to it are in hand.  It is non commercial and without sponsorship and the advice given is personal and without prejudice.  I will not give advice.  The website attempts to provide information about the products from a users point of view.  The manufacturers boasts are questioned.  They should not be taken for granted.

Caution is needed when a choice is made and the most important advice is to try the device before accepting it.  Get the agreement of the vendor at the point of sale that it may be returned if it does not come up to expectations.

Thursday 7 February 2013

An independent assessment of listening devices

Long overdue is an independent assessment of listening devices.  The manufacturers overstate their benefits and at the same time gloss over the situations where they have weaknesses.  I have studied the wireless listening devices, having borrowed them from the makers.  I have also acquired a couple which I use all the time.  They certainly allow one to participate in situation where otherwise, being quite severely handicapped by hearing loss, I would be excluded.
The website is under preparation and is expected to go live in the next two months.  There will be no sponsorship and so no favours to or from any manufacturer.

An important but often forgotten principle concerning the use of listening devices for hearing TV, lecturers, speakers etc.
The clarity of sound from a source is better the closer you are to that source.   As one moves further away so the sound is rapidly dissipated from the source in all directions (through 360 degrees).  The further the microphone distance from the source the more interference there will be from other noises in the room with the sound bouncing off walls back to the microphone.   This is the reason why it is difficult to hear a speaker in a large room is one is near the back.  There is plenty of sound but the clarity has gone.
So always place the microphone as close to the sound source as possible.  This does not mean actually on top of the speaker, but close by to avoid the distortion which is inevitable if placed too close.  It is often not easy to know exactly where the speakers are situated on many TV sets.  One has to hunt for them – possibly even get someone with good hearing to help.  The search will be rewarded.

Thursday 20 December 2012

The new website - listening devices for the deaf

Christmas results in delays - 'flu, holidays, shopping and other distractions all play their part. The new website will go live in February. It is under preparation. The information will be easier to obtain and will be up to date and relevant.  Details will be available for the Elite listening devices.  These are the ones which use wireless transmission of sound.  They are costlier than the others but are infinitely more adaptable to differing uses and there are no wires to get in a tangle.  Information will allow comparison between the different makes so that one will be able to see more clearly what is offered and if it fulfills your particular needs.

Friday 30 November 2012

Beyond the hearing aid In this age of communication it is ever more important, young and old alike, to keep in touch with what is going on all around. The available technology is changing all the time. The new website which will replace this one will attempt to address what is becoming available. There is no plan to provide too much detail which is the responsibility of the manufacturers. I hope to give some guidance on the basic information. This starts with a better understanding of the audiogram. There will be some guidance on this.

Wednesday 21 November 2012

This blog website is shortly to be closed down. All traffic will automatically be directed to the new website which is called or .com. These domain names have been reserved already. I am working with South Devon College IT department who are most helpful. The new website should be up and running soon. All the information will be checked and updated. This has been a big task, but it has been thoroughly worthwhile as some things were out of date. I will keep you posted.

Thursday 8 November 2012

This website has been running for 4 years. There is a need to redesign it and I am currently working to that end. I hope that within a few weeks it will be up and running. The new website will be easy to use with drop down pages and a menu to access the different devices in order to get the information required. At this stage I would welcome suggestions for improvements.