Listening devices which are used along with a hearing aid. The site is not commercial and totally independant. Different devices are compared to allow you to decide which is best for you. Listening devices for the deaf: November 2009

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Report on the Bellman Domino John Rickett November 4th 2009

This is a quality listening device which contains Swedish state of the art technology and makes a valuable addition to the field of listening devices for deaf and hard of hearing people. In reading this assessment understand that I am moderately severely deaf (age related type). I have no hearing at all in my left ear so a hearing aid is of no use. My right ear had a moderate hearing loss. I wear a Phonak Salvia Art Hearing aid (BTE type). I rely on the hearing aid at all times. This listener is probably most useful for those who, like myself, are moderately severely deaf. I have great difficulty in hearing when there is background noise and especially in large rooms without furnishings to dampen the sound echo. I also have difficulty hearing those who do not speak clearly.

1) Instructions – they are clear and concise.
2) Equipment – Transmitter, receiver, travel case, manual and pocket reference guide with warranty (2 years), universal charger with adapter plugs, charging cable, external microphone, stereo cable with audio jack, neck straps, in-ear phones (ear bud). Note that a neck loop is available and is supplied as an accessory. It is not otherwise supplied. A scart lead can also be supplied.
3) Ease of use - The equipment is easy to use. The clip on the receiver allows it to be attached to clothing or hung around the neck on a blue neck band. The neck loop has a joining clip which allows it to be placed easily around the neck. On account of the joining clip the receiver cannot be hung around the neck on the neck loop. The weight of the receiver would cause the neck loop to become disconnected. Use must be made of the blue neck strap provided. This does mean a lot of wires dangling around the neck. These can usually be hidden by clothing except perhaps in hot weather. The transmitter also has a blue neck strap on which it hangs. It can also be placed on clothing using the clip.
4) Microphones are present in both the receiver and the transmitter and both have either an omni-directional and a uni-directional ability. It is possible to control both of these from the receiver. They can be switched on together or separately. This is very useful. In addition there is an independent external microphone connected by a wire to the transmitter (but not to the receiver) and this can be clipped to clothing worn by a person sitting nearby. Use of this cuts off the sound from the transmitter’s built-in microphone. Understand that the uni-directional ability is only relative. Sound from that direction is favoured but the sounds all around are also heard.
5) Neck loop This was supplied as an extra. It is a fine coated black wire and has a connecting plugs which make it easier to place around the neck. The wire, being narrow can lie comfortably around the neck. The neck loop wire which attaches to the receiver is very long. This allows the receiver to be hand held and pointed at a direction of one’s choice.
6) Rechargeable batteries – 2.5 hours. Anticipated length of use prior to recharge 8-12 hours. There is a low battery warning. In practice I found that the low battery warning only came on when the battery was about to fail.
7) Uses a) Committee meetings – I attended several meetings and group gatherings. Typical of these was the local church hall for the local Horticultural AGM. This was a largish room, without any soft furnishings and a relatively high ceiling. About 50 people were there. It was obviously a room in which the sound was going to be a problem. There was no amplification, loud speaker or microphone.
I left the transmitter on the committee table and sat fairly near the back. I was able to hear the committee perfectly. If the transmitter is within 2 metres of the speaker I could hear well. Obviously the closer the mike is to the speaker the better. When people spoke from the room I was able to switch to the receiver mike and when hand held using the directional facility heard the speaker pretty well. I had to keep adjusting the volume between the two mikes but I quickly got used to that and was able to also hear the views of those speaking from the floor relatively well.
I attended another committee meeting a few days later with about 60 people present (no sound amplification) and had the same experience. I was able to enjoy good hearing in an otherwise impossible situation.
Even when sound amplification is provided at meetings like this I find that despite there being plenty of sound the clarity is invariably very poor and on these occasions the use of a listener is invaluable.
b) Use in group gatherings. If there are more than 4 in the group and if the room is unfurnished it is likely that the Domino will help. The transmitter can be placed on the table in the middle or it can be hand held and pointed towards the speaker. The focus of the directional capability is no better than with the other listeners. Sound is picked up from all around and only slightly enhanced in the direction to which it is pointed.
c) Use in a restaurant/pub One can either place the receiver on the table around which a small group is sitting or use the transmitter in the same way. The ability to hear is enhanced but if the background noise is considerable the mike is overwhelmed and in this case I found little benefit. If one dines with just one other person one can ask the dining guest to fasten the external mike close to their mouth. Then the ability to hear is greatly improved.
d) Use in the car. There was interference when the Domino was used in 2 cars. I tried at first a Renault and then a Seat. The interference was present when both the car was in motion and when stationary. I had to conclude it was of no value in the car but this might not be a problem with some makes. Advice from Bellman would be useful. The manufacturer was trying to sort this out when I spoke to them in early December. If this is an issue in consideration of purchasing one should enquire.
e) Use for watching the television. I used three methods. 1. When used with the audio lead I found that when the transmitter is placed close to the set there is marked pixellation of the picture. The receiver has to be about 5 ft away in order for this to reduce considerably. However on one occasion pixellation remained a nuisance even at that distance and the Domino had to be switched off. The interference must vary from day to day. At other times I was able to enjoy good quality sound with the audio lead however I had to have the volume setting on maximum. An alternative is to place the neck loop over the ear in touch with the hearing aid. (Though this is not very convenient) If one does this the sound volume is very good. 2. If the transmitter is placed well away and used with the receiver mike (rather than the audio lead) then the pixellation is reduced or may even stop but the sound quality was not so good as the distance from the sound source was so far that this resulted in some loss of clarity. 3) Used with the ear buds the sound was very good. Very loud in fact – it might be too loud for those who are not as deaf as I.
f) Use with a guide going round museums Time did not allow this to be tested, but my impression of the Domino is that this would be a very good use for it.
g) Use in church Our local church has a hearing loop, but sometimes this does not seem to be working. The vicar and those taking part use either radio or fixed mikes. There is plenty of sound but clarity is the problem. I placed the transmitter as close as possible to the front and find I can hear very much better.

Settings menuThis is difficult to access. I had to talk to someone at RNID HQ. He explained ‘the knack’. I then gradually got to understand it. It is not particularly easy to change the settings. Those who are less dexterous than I would find there are considerable problems. With normal use one should not need to use the settings menu.

In comparison with the ContegoThe two devices are trying to solve the same problems in communication.
1) The Domino has very good sound transmission qualities. The control of the mike of the receiver is possible when listening to the transmitter mike. This allows good reception at times especially if there is much background noise at the point where the receiver is located (committee meetings, restaurants etc). This is also possible with the Contego but it is not quite so easy. Both the transmitter and receiver mikes can be switched on at the same time so that one can listen to those sitting near. In this respect it does not differ from the Contego.
2) Both devices are small and easily carried around but the Contego has fewer wires which tend to get in a tangle. The neck loop of the Domino is superior (would be ideal if it were made in one piece). The two listeners are approximately the same size and weight.
3) The Domino has a frequency control. The Contego does not. This is of little concern for me because I use the listeners with my hearing aid in place. The quality of sound I receive is not sufficiently good for me to appreciate the value of frequency control. To those who are not as deaf as I am this control would I presume be a considerable advantage. Those who would use a headphone set or ear buds would benefit from this and equally the lack of frequency control would put the Contego on a disadvantage.
4) Contego is better in a car – the Domino is not recommended for use in a car. This is quite understandable on account of interference. See my earlier remarks.
5) Contego is better for watching television as this does not cause pixellation. With the Domino this can be partly controlled by placing the transmitter at some distance from the set. In practice I found that Sennheiser cordless headphones are better than either the Contego or the Domino for this particular purpose.

SummaryBoth these devices will likely benefit those who are deaf and hard of hearing. It would help especially those who, like myself, are more severely deaf. Money for money I would have the Contego as this is more versatile considering the drawback with the use of the Domino both in the car and with television watching.
It would be advisable to warn those thinking of purchasing the Domino of the following
1) The neck loop is sometimes only supplied as an extra.
2) There is interference when the Domino is used in some cars.
3) Interference to the television picture can be largely controlled by moving the transmitter about 2 metres away from the set. The audio lead should be 2 metres long to make this possible.
4) The system menu is difficult to access and if changes are needed it may even need to be returned to the purchaser for the necessary help (I am thinking of the elderly).
5) The Domino is good for lectures, group gatherings, in church and in tours with a guide.

In conclusion I have to say that I have been in touch with the RNID and the makers of the Domino and they are concerned about the problems with interference. They are trying to overcome the difficulty.